Tools for Schools

From Words for the Journey for Teens, by Lisa Freemantle, Les Miller and Melinda Rapallo-Ferrara

The awareness of the world's needs makes this a great Advent activity for teenagers.

Gifts for the Season

Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)

Opening Prayer

God of Christmas promise,
still our busy lives,
open our frantic hearts,
make our world a fit place to receive the
Prince of Peace.
Bless our humble attempts to prepare for
Christ’s birth
through acts of service and charity.
Bless those who receive these gifts;
may they bring joy in this season of hope.
Open our ears to hear your word,
Lived in acts of justice and spoken in your


Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46

Gospel Meditation:

Where Are They Now?
Where are they now?
The stranger, the naked, the sick, the prisoner?
Are they in our school? In our community? In our family?
Yes, they are.
I know this because I am all of these.
I’m a stranger and outsider at times.
Sometimes people just don’t know me and they reject me.
I stand naked and embarrassed when the truth comes out and my vulnerability shows.
I am physically sick sometimes,
but often spiritually sick,
when God seems far away.
I am imprisoned by my fear of being rejected, unlovable.
If these figures are in me, I know they are in others also.
So yes, they are here.
The good news is that Christ is there, too:
in our vulnerability and our shame,
in our loss and in our fears.
With Christ-like love we approach the
stranger, the naked, the sick and the
prisoner and welcome them home.


Litany: The Gifts.


Dear Jesus,.
we approach your manger this year.
as the magi did two thousand years ago..
Like them, we bring gifts..
Not gold, frankincense or myrrh,.
but things many people need this Christmas..
Bless these gifts and treasure them..
You have given us so many spiritual gifts;.
we know that we are in turn to give them to others..
Gifts of forgiveness and mercy:.
All: Lord Jesus, bless them..
Gifts of understanding and compassion:.
All: Lord Jesus, bless them..
Gifts of wisdom and courage:.
All: Lord Jesus, bless them..
Gifts of hope and joy:.
All: Lord Jesus, bless them..
Gifts of faith and devotion:.
All: Lord Jesus, bless them. 
Gifts of justice and peace:
All: Lord Jesus, bless them.
Gifts of love:
All: Lord Jesus, bless them.


Closing Prayer

Creator God, Prince of Peace, Spirit of Life,
bless all that we have to offer.
In this season when we ready ourselves to celebrate the coming of Christ into the world,
give us eyes to see you being born again and again
in those who live on the edges of society.
Give us eyes to see you being born again and again
in our families and friends.
Give us eyes to see you being born again and again
in our own humble hearts.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
